Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Voice Control Home Automation via Amazon Echo and Siri HomeKit - DIY

Voice Control Home Automation via Amazon Echo and Siri HomeKit - DIY

This is a quick start tutorial on setting up the Raspberry Pi 2 as a Home Automation System with Voice Control from Amazon Echo (Alexa) or Apple HomeKit (Siri). This is not a comprehensive tutorial, but should get you started.

Last Updated: 4/24/2016


Raspberry Pi 2 or Pi 3
8GB or larger microSD Card
Aeon Labs Z-Wave Z-Stick - Series 2 OR Gen5
Aeon Labs - Z-Wave Smart Energy Switch

Logitech Harmony Home Hub
Amazon Echo or Amazon Dot


Download Raspbian Jessie
Write the Raspbian Jessie Image to MicroSD Card
Insert MicroSD Card in Raspberry Pi 2 and Boot.
Connect to Pi using SSH (pi/raspberry)
Expand Filesystem - Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the OS
#Expand Filesystem and Reboot
sudo raspi-config

#Reboot Required and Important

#Initial Update and required packages
#All one line - cut/paste recommend
#Go get some coffee
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y install python2.7 libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev git unzip curl subversion build-essential usbutils psmisc htop samba-common-bin samba php5 php5-cli php5-curl wicd-curses libudev-dev


#apache get installed somewhere, so stop and disable it
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

#Setup SAMBA
#No password, Everyone has read/write access to \\<IPAddress>\root
cd /etc/samba
sudo mv smb.conf
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

sudo mkdir -p /opt/openhab/addons_all
cd /opt/openhab

#Download current release
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo wget

sudo unzip distribution-1.*
sudo unzip distribution-1.* -d /opt/openhab/addons_all
sudo unzip -n distribution-1.*

sudo rm distribution-1.*
sudo rm distribution-1.*
sudo rm distribution-1.*

#Addons (aka bindings) is what make OpenHAB so powerful
#To install Addons, copy them into the addons folder
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.action.harmonyhub*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.harmonyhub*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.exec*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.http*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.networkhealth*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.ntp*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.wol*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.zwave*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.binding.systeminfo*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/*.jar addons
sudo cp addons_all/org.openhab.persistence.exec*.jar addons

#SIGAR for OpenHAB Systeminfo Binding
sudo mkdir -p /opt/openhab/lib
sudo wget -O /tmp/
sudo unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp
sudo cp /tmp/sigar-raspbian/lib/* /opt/openhab/lib
sudo rm /tmp/

#Go here for latest -

sudo mkdir /opt/amazon-echo-bridge
cd /opt/amazon-echo-bridge
sudo wget --no-check-certificate

cd /opt/openhab
sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo rm
#delete old zwave binding
sudo rm addons/org.openhab.binding.zwave-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

#HABMIN2 no longer works with OpenHAB 1 (only OpenHAB 2)
cd /opt/openhab/addons
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo chmod 755 *

sudo mkdir -p /opt/openhab/webapps/habmin2
cd /opt/openhab/webapps/habmin2
sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo rm

#mail, security, zwave, harmonyhub
cd /opt/openhab/configurations
sudo cp openhab_default.cfg openhab.cfg

cd /opt/openhab/configurations/items
sudo wget --no-check-certificate

cd /opt/openhab/configurations/sitemaps
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo wget --no-check-certificate

#Plug in Z-Stick
#Assuming Z-Wave Stick is attached to ttyUSB0
sudo sed -i 's^#zwave:port=^zwave:port=/dev/ttyUSB0^' /opt/openhab/configurations/openhab.cfg

sudo mkdir /opt/openhab/custom_scripts

#Shutdown Windows PC Script
cd /opt/openhab/custom_scripts
sudo wget  --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod +x

cd /opt/openhab/custom_scripts
sudo git clone git://
sudo cp PHP-FindMyiPhone/class.findmyiphone.php .

sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo wget --no-check-certificate

#NODEJS for SIRI HomeKit Bridge

#Remove conflicting nodejs
sudo apt-get -y remove nodejs

#Install nodejs
cd /tmp
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
sudo rm node_latest_armhf.deb

#OpenHAB HomeKit Bridge
cd /opt
sudo git clone git://
cd OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge

#This will take a while
cd /opt/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge
sudo npm install -g npm@3.3.12

#Start OpenHAB on boot
cd /etc/init.d/
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod a+x openhab
sudo update-rc.d openhab defaults

#Home Kit Startup Script Setup
cd /opt/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge
sudo cp
sudo chmod +x

#Amazon-Echo-Bridge Script Setup
cd /opt/amazon-echo-bridge/
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod +x

#Start bridges on boot

#delete 'exit 0' (backup rc.local also)
sudo sed -i.bak '/exit 0/d' /etc/rc.local

echo 'sleep 10' | sudo tee --append /etc/rc.local
echo 'sudo /opt/amazon-echo-bridge/ &' | sudo tee --append /etc/rc.local
echo 'sleep 60 #Give OpenHAB Time to Start' | sudo tee --append /etc/rc.local
echo 'sudo /opt/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge/ &' | sudo tee --append /etc/rc.local
echo 'exit 0' | sudo tee --append /etc/rc.local


sudo reboot

#Configure Amazon Echo Bridge at
#Add sample items
cd /tmp
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @iphone.json http://localhost:8081/api/devices
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @smartswitch.json http://localhost:8081/api/devices
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @windowspc.json http://localhost:8081/api/devices

#Edit listiclouddevices.php with your iCloud username (email) and password

cd /opt/openhab/custom_scripts
sudo nano listiclouddevices.php

#Run it to find your deviceID
#DeviceID will be something like Eu4EGWK1Yt5+2JtKM7YNA++hxNtDw4ZzZuwT9BLxYcL2d7FaULCJMuHYVNSUzmXV<
php ./listiclouddevices.php

#Edit turnoniphone.php, turnoffiphone.php
#with username, password and deviceID
sudo nano turnoniphone.php
sudo nano turnoffiphone.php

#Run scripts to test
php ./turnoniphone.php
php ./turnoffiphone.php

#edit script with IPAddress, Username and Password
sudo nano

#Turn on your computer and test script
#Computer Power On will be handled via WOL Binding

#Test via OpenHAB WebApp - http://IPADDRESS:8080/

Download the OpenHAB iOS/Android app.

Ask Alexa to discover your devices - "Alexa, discover devices". Add additional devices via http://IPADDRESS:8081/configurator.html.

For HomeKit Siri setup, download Elgato Eve on iOS device

Launch Elgato Eve->Add Accessory
Under "SELECT ACCESSORY" you should see "OpenHAB HomeKit Bridge". Select it.
Select "Add to xxx" (xxx being whatever name you used)
Ignore warning about the accessory not being certified - Add Anyway
Select "Enter code manually"
Type in "031-45-154"

To reset HomeKit and start over, delete Elgato Eve app and then go into Settings->Privacy->HomeKit and select "Reset HomeKit Configuration"


Amazon Echo -
Voice Remote for Amazon Echo -
Logitech Harmony Home Hub -
Raspberry Pi 2 -
Aeon Labs Z-Wave Z-Stick Series 2 USB Dongle -
(Newer version - Buy this version instead of the above) Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Z-Stick, Gen5 Z-Wave Plus - ZW090 -
Wink Connected Home Hub -
GE Link Smart Connected LED Light Bulb -
GE Z-Wave On/Off/Dim Dimmer Switch (45612  - no neutral) -
RGB LED Light Strip 5 meter with remote and power supply -

Harmony Hub Control for RGB LED discussion -

Not shown in video, but I have everything running through this so I can monitor energy usage. I would also be able to determine if my TV is on by the amount of watts being drawn.
Aeon Labs - Z-Wave Smart Energy Switch -


Raspbian Jessie -
OpenHab -
Amazon Echo Bridge -
OpenHab HomeKit Bridge -
PHP-FindMyiPhone -


Getting Started with OpenHAB Home Automation on Raspberry Pi


OpenHAB Community -


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. As stated above, I'm using a php script and providing instructions (as best as I can) on how it's done.

      PHP-FindMyiPhone -

      Sorry, not sure what your statement regarding you apache server is related.

    2. Thanks for replying, I meant that I just want to do the find my phone part, I already got a URL running (ie, run the URL from a browser to execute that PHP script), but I don't know how to run it from Amazon Echo, your instruction is comprehensive but I only want to do that part, which software modules should I install on the RPi? (using only Echo and RPi as hardware)

    3. The Amazon Echo Bridge ( is what Alexa interface with. If you know how to run a PHP script from your Apache Server, then that's all you would need. If you don't, then I suggest following the tutorial and using OpenHAB.

    4. Thanks for the input, I actually found a way to use Alexa skill kits to communicate with my web server and send commands into it, and find my iphone works perfect. I now want to implement the turn pc on and off remotely from RPi, do I need to install anything on the Windows? it's running Windows 10, on the RPi side, which modules do I need to install? is there any PHP or Shell script that I can just execute on RPi to get this functionality just like what "findmyiphone" does?

    5. Glad to hear you got it working. Can you please share what you did with the Alexa skill kit?

      All required packages are in the tutorial right at the beginning. Nothing needs to be installed on Windows. The script is in the tutorial -

    6. Hi Qui, how did you run the find iphone PHP script from homebridge?

  2. Ohh I understand now, I never knew about WOL and "net" command before, can it be done over wifi?

    For the skill kits, I found an open source project in PHP from amazon dev forum. Basically I created a skill on Alexa dev website, use some dummy intent schema and utterances for the kit to send all my speech to the api endpoint on my web server. The open source PHP code will parse the JSON sent from Echo, and then with the speech input, I can execute anything from the server. For example, if I say "Alexa, ask Jarvis to locate my iphone", the string "locate my iphone" will be received on my server, I can now check if the input string contain "locate", and then "iphone", if they match then execute the function, like shell_exec(/path/to/

    Currently I'm controlling the RPi camera and find my iphone with the Echo. Next I want to turn on/off some light bulbs. I could buy a smart hub to do this but I want the RPi motion detect to control the lights as well, so I'm looking for a way to this. The wink hub sounds good but the NAND exploit seems to require some soldering.

  3. Very nice installation guide. It is going in the scrapbook :)


  4. Hi Qui,
    I was trying to run this with my Z-wave smart switch but can't seem to link the switch with the PI? Any thoughts on how i can sync the two.

    1. You'll need to follow the included direction to link them up. Basically, setup the Smart Switch to be in include mode (default mode when first pulled out of the box) and then pull out the ZWave USB Stick and press the button on it to set it into inclusion mode. Use HABMIN or logs to double check it paired correctly.

  5. I have a stupid question. I've never done any kind of coding and quite honestly am not sure what I'm looking at. So, in the cut and past section, do I cut from the top all the way down, or am I cutting after each hashtag/pound symbol and doing each one individually.
    Ex. "#This will take a while
    cd /opt/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge
    sudo npm install"
    I'm not actually adding "#this will take a while" to the cut and paste. I'm actually just adding the "cd /opt/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge
    sudo npm install" section. Which means I have to go down each individual line and add them one by one? Or do I go to the very top
    And cut all the way down to

  6. Hi,
    Do you know of any way to get the OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge to work on Weezy rather than Jessie? I have just come off of Jessie and back to Weezy because for some reason my scripts were not running correctly on Jessie. I could send the commands to run scripts through the command line, but they would not run if ran from OpenHAB.

    I tried to follow your instructions on installing OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge but on the NPM install part it seemed to get stuck for hours.

    1. I'm sure you can get OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge running on Weezy, however I spent a lot of time messing around with nodejs/npm to get it working perfectly with Jessie and cannot help. Probably easier to figure out why your scripts wasn't running then try to figure out nodejs/npm.

    2. Hi, I took your advice and installed Jessie on another SD card. I see that you did "sudo wget". Can you please SSH into your RPi2 and do command "node -v" which will tell you which version you have installed.

      I cannot get this Siri integration working and i have a feeling that its something to do with the newer version of node not being compatible. At the time you installed it the latest must have been working, If you tell me what version you have then ill be able to install that one and try again.

    3. Scratch that, Instead of "sudo npm install" i did "sudo npm install -g npm@3.3.12" (found this from here

      Now it seems to work.
      Now to work out how to get siri to take my voice commands.

    4. Me again.
      Siri takes my commands, but for some reason the service will not start on boot :(

    5. Qui can you give a little more guidance on "sudo npm install"? It is not doing anything for me. Saying command not found. I see Paul used "sudo npm install -g npm@3.3.12" is this good to work with? I am a novice so just trying to understand this all. Thank you very much!!!!

  7. Hi Great Video, Can you use Siri to control your Sony TV, the your Harmony remote. Is only working through Alexa?

    1. Yes, you can use Siri to control the TV without Alexa.

  8. Have you looked into Lutron Caseta Dimmers and Clear Connect Protocol? I really like the look and feel of these dimmers and I want them to work with Siri which Lutron Hub does. The issue I have is making the Dimmers work with other non Lutron devices. If I use Wink I would loose Siri. I looked at openHab and it might be able to work, but I am confused how openHAB talks to the switches. Maybe you could clarify this for me as you seem to have a vast knowledge in HA. Great Video and blog by the way.

  9. Please can you make a step by step tutorial for Apple device only, really struggling to get it work on Raspberry pi been reading other info on net but its just getting me crazy just want to get it working with my harmony hub . been following the tutorial you put up but its confusing and its not working

    thanks in advanced

    1. Sorry, I cannot provide personal tech support for everyone. All I can do is provide some guidance. I would suggest starting from the basic. Is OpenHAB running and working? Are you able to control your harmony hub via OpenHAB? Once you get it working with OpenHAB, you then can move onto HomeKit Bridge.

      If you want additional help (no promises), you'll need to provide details on your issue. How far have you gotten? What is working what isn't? Saying things are confusing and not working doesn't tell me anything.

    2. thanks for the reply the openhab is running but not working with harmony hub please can you tell me how do i get it working

    3. been trying a few days trying to connect Harmony hub I have looked at but I don't understand it please can you break it down in simple steps as possible ? I have entered stuff in Items,Sitemap,Cfg file from other sources samples but its not working may be am doing it all wrong I would really appreciate your help thanks

    4. Sorry to hear you're having such difficulties. Please take a look at the OpenHAB community/forums for help. If you post your issue with details such as configuration, items file and site map, etc., I'm sure someone will be able to identify the issue you're having on the forums.

    5. hi yes I have already visited openhab forums I have managed to get openhab working with harmony hub just stuck at Homebridge to get siri working I am lost
      getting this error

      pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm test
      npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, open '/home/pi/package.json'
      npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this entire log,
      npm ERR! including the npm and node versions, at:
      npm ERR!

      npm ERR! System Linux 4.1.18-v7+
      npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "test"
      npm ERR! cwd /home/pi
      npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29
      npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
      npm ERR! path /home/pi/package.json
      npm ERR! code ENOENT
      npm ERR! errno 34
      npm ERR! Error: EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'
      npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'] errno: 3, code: 'EACCES', path: 'npm-debug.log' }
      npm ERR!
      npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.

      npm ERR! System Linux 4.1.18-v7+
      npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "test"
      npm ERR! cwd /home/pi
      npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29
      npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
      npm ERR! path npm-debug.log

    6. so I should ignore it also when I run homebrige it says no plugin found how should I configure it to work with Siri ?

  10. Could multiple turnoniphone.php scripts for different iphones/ipads be used? Could I copy paste/rename the script? Thanks for the help.

  11. Have anyone got the Harmony Hub working both Alexa and Siri. With Amazon-Echo-Bridge and Open HAB running on Raspbian Jessie. If yes, can you please share your code. thx

  12. Hello Sir,

    I use Fibaro system for automation,
    I just need lightning and curtain control with Amazon echo.
    this thing work fine with fibaro?

  13. All these links here are not longer valid... do you mind to share how to we go about it with the new version?

    sudo wget
    sudo wget
    sudo wget

    1. Thank you for letting me know. I'll take a look when I get a chance.

    2. When are these going to by updated ?

    3. Looks like there are multiple links in the script that dont work anymore

  14. Hey would this work on the OSMC image or would I have to change things? If so would the RPi 2 be able to handle that?

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    in video HARMONY hub device name to

  17. Could anybody post the configuration to start harmony activitys with Siri? I don`t know how to build an item for the harmony devices. I just have the item name with the PressButton at the end ....

  18. Hi, can you please help me? I'm stuck installing habmin2 with sudo whet ... cdjackson ... habmin2_0.0.15 SNAPSHOT 0.0.15!!!
    I get an error and it's not downloading the snapshot file from github!
    Could anyone please help?

  19. Anybody here? I installed Habmin 1 and I followed all the instruction except those about amazon echo because I don't have it and when I open the elevator eve I can't see the HomeKit bridge in the app! How can I test that the bridge is up and running?
    Thanks for any advice!

  20. I forgot to say that openhab starts on Rpi reboot and everything hung works fine from the openhab app, I can switch the lights and my tv also but can't figure if the bridge is running!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This is really amazing but I'm a little confused as what i have to buy and connect to control LED strip lighting and the functions of the led strip as well. Any chance you can give me some information about it. Again good job with everything.

  24. Awesome! That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much. One question: Is it possible to use Broadlink RM Pro instead of Logitech Harmony? How?

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